In todays changing marketplace, we have developed a unique partnership with our clients to meet todays changing needs. When doing business with a distributor, we feel it should be a partnership for success! At The Capital Street Distributors, we provide more than products, we provide tools and relationships to help a practice in every way:
- Cutting Edge Technology
- Experts on Practice Growth
- Patient Education
- Clinical Training
- Increased Patient Flow for Dental Implants and All-On-X
Tools for Enhanced Dental Implant Surgery
Heat Shock has finally chilled out : The only drill bits on the market with patented technology, NIH research and multiple clinical studies that reduces the heat when placing a dental implant. No longer will your implant surgical locations reach a temperature above 100* F
Loocid BCPâ„¢ BoneBlade
Advanced Loocid BCPâ„¢ drill bits provided with a grommetless surgical tray and additional space to import your other implant tools.
Loocid BCPâ„¢ Standard
A simplified version of the Loocid BCPâ„¢ drill bits provided with an aluminum bur block for easier transport.
Customized for Nobel Biocare® products
Loocid BCPâ„¢ NBR
Loocid BCPâ„¢ NBA/NBP
Loocid’s surgical implant drill set compatible with NobelActive® and NobelParallelâ„¢ implant systems.